Bad Smell From Mouth

1. Keep eating fried cumin removes bad breath.

2. It is useful to squeeze lemon juice in fresh water and gargle.

3. Chewing cardamom eliminates bad breath.

4. Chewing basil leaves after eating removes bad breath.

5. The biggest cause of bad breath is not brushing your teeth and constipation.

Munh Se Badbu Aana

munh se badbu aana

1. Zeera bhoon kar khate rehne se badboo door ho jati hai. 
2. Fresh pani mein lemon juice nichor kar gharare karna mufeed hai.
3. Ilaichi chabate rehne se munh ki badboo khatam ho jati hai.
4. Tulsi ke patte khana khane ke baad chabane munh ki badbu door ho jati hai.
5. Munh ki badboo ki sab se bari waja dant saaf na karna aur qabz hai.

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