Home Remedies For Dry Skin In Winter

Home Remedies For Dry Skin In Winter

How To Take Care Of The Skin In The Winter:

The winter season is a favorite for almost everyone, Dry fruit colorful vegetables and lush fruits are the gifts of this season that no one can deny, but our skin does not support us in welcoming this season. Due to winter season dryness skin loses its shine, which uses expensive moisturizers and cold creams to bring it back, but all of them have a temporary effect while in the kitchen there is a very easy solution to this problem. 

Mask of Milk and Almonds:
Grind a teaspoon of almonds and mix it with two teaspoons of milk, apply it to the face, wash it with cold water when dry. The vitamin E present in milk and almonds reflects the skin color and refreshes it.

Lemons and Honey Masks:
Squeeze half a lemon in two teaspoons of honey, mix it thoroughly and make a paste and apply it on the face and wash it after drying.

Olive Oil and Egg Yolk Mask:
Mix a few drops of olive oil in a couple of egg yolks and blend it thoroughly apply it to the face then let the face remain for about 20 minutes then wash it. 

Use of Petroleum Jelly:
Before bathing, massage petroleum jelly all over your body and face with mild hands. After 15 minutes, wash with semi-warm water. It eliminates dryness.

Glycerin Mask:
Glycerin is a very cheap and easily available ingredient, after washing the face with simple water, gently apply glycerin on the face. It does not even need to be washed. It protects the face from dryness throughout the day.

Yogurt Honey and Rose Water Mask:
Make a paste by mixing a spoon of yogurt with a little honey and two drops of rose water, then apply a light massage on the face and let it remain for fifteen minutes. Then wash your face with cold water, it will not only relieve dryness but Soft and supple and fresh.

Sardiyo Me Skin Ki Care Kaise Kare

Sardiyo Me Skin Ki Care Kaise Kare

Sardiyo Me Skin Ki Care Kaise Kare

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