Tukh Malanga Benefits For Weight Loss In Urdu

Tukh Malanga Benefits For Weight Loss In Urdu

tukh malanga benefits for weight loss in urdu

Tukh Malanga (Chia Seeds) is also called Tukh balanga. It is commonly used in beverages because its effect is cool and its use eliminates heat in the body, its use improves stomach performance and reduces acidity.
Tukh Balanga is a type of balsamic plant but it has a slight loss in leaves, usually up to 4 feet in size. The omega-3 contained in it help digest the food and also eliminate the acidity.
In addition it cleanses the stomach and intestines, improves sleep, improves the immune system. For diabetes patients and general public who are worried about weight gain, today we will tell you an assessment, which you can do to melt your fat in just 7 days. This recipe is made of lemons, which is a wonderful fruit for melting fat, and its use reduces weight as the meta-bolism accelerates.

How to make syrup:
One and a half glasses of water, one teaspoon (Chia seeds) tukh malanga, one teaspoon honey, one and half teaspoons lemon juice
Put the chia seeds in the water overnight, keep it out in the morning and let it remain for an hour, then mix the rest of the ingredients in it and grind it and use it with empty stomach, you will lose weight. It won't take more than a week.

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