A Description Of The Five Prayers

Fajr: Two rakats of asserted Sunnat and two rakats of Farz (Obligatory) prayers.

Zuhr: First, four rakats of asserted Sunnat, then four rakats of Farz; thereafter two rakats of asserted Sunnat and two rakats of Nafil (Optional) prayer.

Asr: First four rakats of usual Sunnat, then four rakats of Farz.

Maghrib: First, three rakats of Farz, then two rakats of asserted Sunnat; thereafter two or six rakats of Nafil (Awwabeen).

Isha: First, four rakats of usual Sunnat, then four rakats of Farz, then two rakats of asserted Sunnat, then two rakats of Nafil; thereafter, three rakats of Witr and two rakats of Nafil.

Friday Prayers: First four rakats of asserted Sunnat, then two rakats of Farz, then four rakats of asserted Sunnat then again two rakats of asserted Sunnat and two rakats of Nafil.

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