Home Remedies For Frequent Urination

Home Remedies For Frequent Urination

Home Remedies For Frequent Urination

Bladder Weakness, Causes and Treatment:-

People who have recurrent urination or frequent urination after falling asleep and getting frequent sleep at night, may find that they have the right to have bladder disease.
There can be many causes of bladder weakness, not going to Toilet on urinary needs, frequent use of cold-effect foods, excessive consumption of nicotine and caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, cigarettes, cold drinks, etc. People with bladder weakness should first reduce their consumption of tea, coffee, cigarettes, cold drinks and white sugar.
Most observations have found that excessive consumption of tea leaves and sharp sweet tea also cause bladder weakness issues. So look for the causes of bladder weakness mentioned above and try to overcome them.
As a home remedy, mix half a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, one teaspoon of white cumin seeds and two tablespoons of almonds and mix them well. In the morning and evening, put a spoon of this powder in 250 gram yoghurt and make a lassi (Lassi is a popular traditional yogurt based drink that originated in the subcontinent) and drink it. Avoid the use of ice products, cold ice water and white sugar while adjusting your dietary routine to suit the season.
With just a few days of use, you will get rid of this problem. In the case of constipation, when urinary bladder is pressed, urine drops begin to recur, so eat a diet that does not cause constipation. Avoid rice and fats.

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